HOME > The latest information on intellectual property > "WIPO-Green" effective for environmental technology transfer has started up (Ⅱ)

"WIPO-Green" effective for environmental technology transfer has started up (Ⅱ)Japanese companies cannot survive in this situation.

Tkashi Sawai (Japan Economic Federation Deputy President of Intellectual Property Committee / Vice-President of Miyoshi & Miyoshi / Patent Attorney , JPAA ID NO. 9195 )

Mr. Yuichiro Kawamura (Managing Director, Japan Intellectual Property Association / Chief, Intellectual Property Division, Honda Motor Co, Ltd.)

Mr. Naoto Kuji (Advisor, Intellectual Property Division, Honda Motor Co., Ltd.)

The concept and structure advocated by the Japan Intellectual Property Association as a framework of environmental technology transfer has started up concretely as "WIPO-Green" run by WIPO which is one of the UN International Agencies.......
